Who do we fund?


Applications may be made by, or on behalf of individuals with a vision impairment who are aged 25 and under, permanently resident in the UK, and in need of financial assistance.


Applications may be made by charitable and not-for-profit organisations registered in the UK, whose work provides direct benefit for people in the UK, and which have, as part of their aims, a focus on services (new or existing) that support children and young people with a vision impairment.

What do we fund?

The trustees will consider all applications that support our purposes and vision. Successful applications will typically achieve a positive impact in at least one of the areas below:


  • advocacy or support for vision assessment referral and certification;
  • devices and equipment to support daily living;
  • curriculum development for pupils and students with a vision impairment;
  • accessing local services;
  • specialist teaching and habilitation;


  • accessing assistive technology including the provision of equipment;
  • support to complete education or training over an extended period;
  • activities that contribute to overall well-being including drama, music and sport;
  • training and achievement of qualifications for the education or support of children and young people with a vision impairment.

Who do we not fund?

In general TPFF does not make grants to the following:



  • charities registered overseas, or charities whose work is predominately overseas;
  • charities holding unrestricted funds of more than 6 months’ worth of operating costs;
  • umbrella, second tier or grant making organisations;
  • state maintained or independent schools (other than those for pupils who are vision impaired with special educational needs);
  • NHS hospital trusts or other medical providers;
  • local authorities and councils;
  • commercial organisations.

You are not eligible to apply if you are currently in receipt of a grant from TPFF, or have been declined a grant within the last 12 months, unless there has been a change in circumstances.

What do we not fund?

In general TPFF does not make grants for the following:

  • general appeals or circulars;
  • household bills or debts;
  • reimbursement for an item already purchased;
  • sponsorship;
  • political campaigning or lobbying activities;
  • feasibility studies, medical and social research;
  • large capital projects (although we will consider making a contribution to a capital project, which should be discussed with us before making a grant application).

How to apply

Application for a TPFF grant is a one stage process.  The Grants Committee meets monthly to assess applications from individuals.  The Grants Committee assesses applications from organisations on a quarterly basis.

About the grant

The application forms contain guidance notes.
Please get in touch if you have any questions about your eligibility for a grant, the application form or the process.

£100 - £5,000 for individuals

Applications may be made by, or on behalf of individuals with a vision impairment who are aged 25 and under who are permanently resident in the UK and in need of financial assistance. Grants to individuals are typically made in the range of up to £5,000. We have some further guidance notes we suggest you read before applying which can be found here (in the downloadable pdf). Please help us to fulfil our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy by filling in the form below.

Up to £50,000 for charities

Applications may be made by charitable organisations registered in the UK, whose work provides direct benefit for children and young people with a vision impairment. Grants to organisations are typically made in the range of up to £50,000. Trustees will consider other amounts where the case for support is particularly strong.

Your privacy

We will keep your personal data safe. Information submitted is subject to our Privacy Policy and all personal data will only be used by TPFF in relation to the grant application and will not be shared with any other organisation or individual.

Our full Data Protection Policy is available here.

What happens next?

We will:

  • confirm receipt of your application;
  • review your application to ensure it meets our criteria for a grant;
  • undertake due diligence and check the supporting documents you have provided.

Applications are regularly reviewed by the TPFF Grants Committee on a monthly (individual grants) or quarterly (organisation grants) basis. You will be informed of the Committee’s decision within two weeks of the meeting.

The Committee will either:

  • Approve your grant

    We will then arrange for the grant agreement to be signed and payment made.

  • Request further information

    The Committee may decide they need further information in order to reach a decision. We will endeavour to make a prompt decision once we have the required information and not wait for the next full meeting of the Grants Committee.

  • Reject your application

    We will give you the reasons for the rejection and discuss how we may be able to support you in the future.

The decision of the Grants Committee is final.

Our commitment to you

We appreciate the time you have taken to complete
the application so we will:

  1. Acknowledge the receipt of every application

  2. Review all applications in order of receipt

  3. Tell you immediately if your application does not meet our eligibility criteria

  4. Take great care in considering all applications regardless of size

  5. Try to approve as many grants as possible but sometimes we may have to reduce the amount of the grant, or turn down good applications simply because we do not have the funds available

  6. Ensure fairness and accessibility for all

  7. Only ask for additional information if necessary to get a better understanding of your needs or project

  8. Make sure your application has the same chance of success whenever it is submitted

  9. Let you know as soon as possible the outcome of your application

  10. Make any reporting requirements clear and uncomplicated

  11. Be open and transparent, summarising on our website the grants made and projects supported.

Contact us

Address: Thanet House, 231-232 Strand, London WC2R 1DA

Email: info@tpff.org.uk
Tel: 020 7458 4554

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or suggestions around grant eligibility, the application process or the form. Your feedback is very welcome.

We would like to hear from organisations who may be interested in collaborating with us.

Contact us
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